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Why gold?

Think of it this way:
The world economy is in a shambles. The American economy is no better. The stock market is unstable at best and on the verge of collapse at worst. Unemployment is almost as high as during the depression and the dollar is almost a 3rd rate currency leaving little hope for a secure future for anyone.

So, what’s the answer? Gold of course!
Gold has been the highest standard for currency since the dawn of time. Gold is real, it is tangible. It is not a piece of paper that can be here today and gone tomorrow. It’s the real thing!!

Gold is also very expensive but retains value through any economic downfall.
What would you say if I told you how to make a  good income dealing in gold and gold bullion? What would you say if I told you you could make money in the gold market without buying, selling, or investing? Follow the link below to a brighter future.

https://gold.threepeaksconsulting.com/enroll/preenroll_placement.php    You must sign in with my USERNAME:    tonyasteele

Hello WordPress.  You’re new to me baby and there is alot to learn.  I am not a computer dummy nor a computer genius – I like to think I linger somewhere between the two;) I made my own self smile and that is a good thing.  With the United States on shaky ground and the almighty dollar crumbling around us, we need to smile anyway.   You know it has been proven that it takes more energy to smile than to frown? OMG – no wonder I am so tired all the time.   And it has been said anything you do often enough will become a habit.  So, perhaps soon I will have a frozen smile on my lips with an actual smile in my heart.

I think we are all pissed.  Our country is really in a quandry.  If you want my opinion and I am NEVER short on one,  I don’t see this situation being resolved anytime soon.  I think all politicians should have to work for minimum wage and listen to us scream in their ears – things are beeeeeeeeetter!!!!  Hold on a change is coming !!!
Well, dinner is ready and I need to go feed the face.  In case my blog interests you, read Gold and Silver.  Very interesting way for many to buy gold and silver cheaper and make money at the same time with NO yes I said NO INVESTMENT.   Actually, you can make money by sharing this accredited company to others and they can make the money for you.  Think on that one.  Sorry, you will have to copy and past the link to American Gold Reserve – I have to learn how to create a hyperlink.  I am sure it isn’t complicated – if it is I’m in trouble.  Kidding.  Nightie nite.  Back soon.  P.S.  my website is:  THEBLOGGINTRUTH.COM – lookin’good but still underconstruction.  Catch me on Twitter – Tonya Steele.  Now that bite of pork chop was wonderful.  Gotta go……………………….and rememeber THINK GOLD Bye